Emfit QS Care

QS+CARE™ is a real-time bed occupancy and movement activity monitor with health data tracking.

It can improve senior care outcome and reduce costs.

EMFITCARE2 Emfitcare

QS+CARE™ is a ballistocardiography sensor and over the Internet operating software solution. It records heart contractions, breathing and body movement bio-signals-

Smarter care reduces costs and stress

• Smart night round is more efficient and can decrease nurses’ stress.

• Assistive night care can be performed when resident is awake.

• Controlling bed exits can help prevent falls and wandering.

• Tracking of heart and breathing rates* and movement activity in sleep can help detect changes in health and allow for early intervention.

• Measuring outcomes and impacts of treatments like physiotherapy and outdoor activity in general can be difficult, but their effect on sleep can generate insightful new metrics. 

Real-time bed occupancy viewer for a group

• Residents on move and duration

• Residents in bed and duration

• Devices without data-connection


Push notifications via app

• Immediately at bed exit

• Not returned to bed in preset delay

• Decreased/increased movement activity