A healthy person can be measured taking into account his level of daily activity, therefore it is important to monitor the activity of weak people or elderly in an independent living environment, which can be used to evaluate both life quality and healthy status of the user.
Beside the activity it’s useful to keep under control some vital parameters such as heart rate using simple noninvasive tools.
Finally it is well known that aging can generate loss of memory and forgetfulness that could cause dangerous consequence such as a gas leak or a fire in a kitchen.
LivOn is a solution based on activity, vital parameters and environmental sensors which combined together allow to verify the life quality of a single living person measuring:
LivOn provides a simple to use GSM home phone which acts as a gateway for a number of wireless sensors, which can be installed in a home environment and provide a 24h/7dcontrol of both user activity level and home risky events. All gathered data are stored in a cloud service webpage dedicated to each user.
In this way a care giver or service center can access the dedicated web portal and display the daily, weekly or monthly activity trend of the user and immediate take acknowledge of his healthy status.
In addition a special help trigger bracelet is provided with the system and allows the user to send an immediate help request to his caregivers or to any other preselected person (doctor nurse, assistance service center, etc.) via SMS and reported on the user’s dedicated webpage.
Additional automatic alarms are for battery lowering, gas and fire detectors. The system offers the opportunity to create one’s own alarms and text that can be send pressing a button such as “going out, back home, please call, … etc”
The sensors can be easy installed in any room of the house to provide the activity level of the person living inside.
As for instance a person staying all day in a bed room may not feel well and could need assistance, while a high level of activity stands for a busy person in home.
The system configuration is simple and easy to manage and install, as shown in the picture.